A row of houses we own have been rendered since we can remember. I have an old pic from the 19th century and the render looks like the same render that is on today.
We'd like to paint the render as it is stained from salts/damp and looks terrible. It also needs patching in places. However, before doing so I thought it best to actually know for sure just what type of render it is. I always thought it was a cement render as it's very very hard but would this be the case if it's been on so long?
When it rains the render goes extremely dark as the water soaks right through, so much so that you can see the layout of the bricks. I've had guys round trying to sell me Andura (water proof coating) and monolastex but I need to do a bit more research before decided on what to put on it. I've looked into lime wash but really need to know if the render is cement before proceeding? how can I tell exactly?
here's some pics:
We'd like to paint the render as it is stained from salts/damp and looks terrible. It also needs patching in places. However, before doing so I thought it best to actually know for sure just what type of render it is. I always thought it was a cement render as it's very very hard but would this be the case if it's been on so long?
When it rains the render goes extremely dark as the water soaks right through, so much so that you can see the layout of the bricks. I've had guys round trying to sell me Andura (water proof coating) and monolastex but I need to do a bit more research before decided on what to put on it. I've looked into lime wash but really need to know if the render is cement before proceeding? how can I tell exactly?
here's some pics: